Water Weighted Woven Shelves

TetraPak cartons | PET bottles | Water | PVC tape | Corrugated card | Brown paper | Wood glue


These shelves are completely woven and stand about 5 feet high. They are made almost entirely out of things from my recycling bin.

I discovered that the 1.5l plastic bottles i had fitted snuggly in each tube and these have strengthened the structre considerably. The four bottles on the bottom layer are filled with water and the lids are taped, and this makes it quite sturdy without being too heavy to move.

I made the shelved from layers of cardboard collaged over with a layer of brown paper. They were cut to fit and woven in – they happen to be too big to just slot in.

I think they are the perfect thingĀ  to display things made from Windmill Loop.

My thoughts about the potential of weaving structures like this are as follows:

  • They could look amazing if lit up with solar lighting, perhaps this would be encased within the bottle
  • It is as modular as you can get – you can make shelves of different heights and widths – levels can be of different heights like a ladder.
  • It can be made to fit in awkward spaces such as under the stairs

Then there are the general benefits of Windmill Loop:

  • It can be made from different recycled materials – if you don’t have TetraPak for example it can be made from cardboard or plastic bottles
  • It can be taken apart and repaired
  • It can be taken apart and recycled
  • It’s a really easy technique!


Would you be interested in instructions for this project?

We are currently in the process of putting together instructions for some of our designs. We plan to ask for a small fee to fund the development of a ‘Loop Maker’ tool. In the meantime many of our designs are low tech and can be achieved using household tools and materials. If you would like to express interest in instructions for the above project, we’d be glad to hear from you!

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