Playing with Pentagons

This was a play to see if I could create a dodecahedron lantern from an open weave. The first photo shows the shape of the frame using scraps – the final one was made from stripped TetraPak so that I could glue onto it.

My next task was to find a way to fill the pentagons using paper. The problem I found was that my pentagons needs to be a specific size that was bigger than A4, so I couldn’t just print a quick template.

I went down a rabbit hole trying to find an easy method to draw may own pentagon. I had wrongly assumed that it would be as easy as drawing a hexagon… anyway, I perservered and I now have a new respect for pentagons and will revisit this some time.

So, I finally had a template and made the panels from pages from an old road map. They are folded and threaded through each vertex and held in place with a spot of glue. It’s by no means a neat result because the structure was very flimsy and each vertex has a twist. I was pleased nevertheless because the folds managed to work with the twist.

If I revisit this design I would see what difference making the loops more rigid would make.

I used the spare pentagons to make a Paper Star Lantern.

Would you be interested in instructions for this project?

We are currently in the process of putting together instructions for some of our designs. We plan to ask for a small fee to fund the development of a ‘Loop Maker’ tool. In the meantime many of our designs are low tech and can be achieved using household tools and materials. If you would like to express interest in instructions for the above project, we’d be glad to hear from you!

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