A new simplified method of loop making using minimal tools and measuring. Plus dyeing cartons with natural dyes.
A bag woven from the labels of potato sacks.
Really strong and durable using the carton lids as feet so it will last well.
Look no holes! A narrow rectangular bag with experimental joining of 2 weave sizes.
We’ve been using this bag regularly – I like that the holes let out the sand and gravel we pick up.
This one was made as a gift – his or hers.
I was keen to make a a strong fruit gathering basket, it doubles up as a laundry basket for the rest of the year and can carry 2 full loads.
I discovered that making a fitted lining takes more time than making the basket!
A shoulder bag to go with the pink barcode handbag.
A fun bag for someone on the go.
My first shoulder bag, made from milk cartons.