Upcycled Paper cup pencil holder
This was made from disposable paper cups to see how the flared shape would transfer.
This was made from disposable paper cups to see how the flared shape would transfer.
Not sure if these are the best for juggling with, but they are quick and easy to make.
A strong holder for a glass jar lantern.
A small basket using leftover loops.
I was wondering what uses these globes could have other than decorations for Earth Day?
A carrier with convenient handle.
Just the right size and shape for a small space.
Ready to decorate as Christmas decorations.
A D shaped basket that sits flat against the wall. This one is very durable.
Anyone who recycles should have a recycled recycling container!
Made with orange juice SIG cartons – put to use to hold oranges.
A basket to hold my washing up gloves – bound with vinyl from old washing up gloves.