Pringle tube basket

Pringles tubes | plastic bag string | foil seals


This basket has been a long time in the making collecting. This was a beloved collection of over 40 pringle tins gifted to me for Christmas, and now they are returned as a birthday gift in the shape of a basket – let’s hope it won’t be used to collect more tins!

This packaging is notoriously hard to recycle, consisting of foil lined card tube, foil seals, metal base and plastic lid.

The card was hard to work with and has a tendency to crack. I think it is the limit of the thickness possible to windmill loop with. But I now have some ideas of how to do it better next time, if there ever is one. It’s made using reverse weave and stitched together using plastic bag string. I haven’t done a handle quite like this one before. The foil seals I stitched together using a sewing machine to make a basket liner.

The basket is sturdy and strong. The other thing that I noticed was that the more recent cans had a new logo, so this basket is vintage already!

So now I have 40+ bases and lids to find a use for… and happily, they fit snuggly into one another.

Would you be interested in instructions for this project?

We are currently in the process of putting together instructions for some of our designs. We plan to ask for a small fee to fund the development of a ‘Loop Maker’ tool. In the meantime many of our designs are low tech and can be achieved using household tools and materials. If you would like to express interest in instructions for the above project, we’d be glad to hear from you!

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